

Gastrointestinal Diseases Are On The Rise, How To Fight The "Battle For Your Stomach"?

Many people do not pay much attention to the early symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, and when they are diagnosed, they have already reached a very serious stage.

Many people do not pay much attention to the early symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, and when they are diagnosed, gastrointestinal diseases have already reached a very serious stage.

Why is autumn a high incidence of gastrointestinal diseases?
1,Autumn is a season of alternating heat and cold, with large changes in climate and a huge difference in temperature between day and night. After autumn, cold air arrives and the body is stimulated by the cold air, which increases the secretion of stomach acid and the incidence of gastric diseases.

2, Not pay attention to warmth: the weather turns cold, you need to add clothes to keep warm, especially the abdomen warm, and sleep well at night, but some people want to be cool, some people still blow air conditioners and fans to sleep at night, especially those who suffer from chronic gastroenteritis, easily cause stomach pain, diarrhea or aggravate the recurrence of old diseases.

3,Uncontrolled diet: as the weather gets cooler, people's appetite increases, and some people eat uncontrollably, such as during various holidays, friends and family gatherings, overeating, all of which increase the burden on the stomach and intestines and cause functional disorders

How to prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases in autumn?
1,Develop good eating habits and three regular meals
Eat three meals a day at regular intervals and do not overeat. Talk less when eating, chew and swallow slowly, this can reduce the burden on the stomach and help the digestion and absorption of the stomach and intestines. Otherwise, the stomach's peristaltic function will be disturbed for a long time and gastritis or gastric ulcer will appear.

2, Remember that "illness comes from the mouth" and pay attention to your diet
Whether it is summer or other seasons, especially for people with a bad stomach, try to eat less stimulating and cold food, and stop smoking and drinking. Eat light, soft and warm foods that promote digestion.

3, Take probiotic supplements
Probiotics are very helpful to the human gastrointestinal system. You can take probiotics, such as life space probiotics from Australia, to help regulate the balance of intestinal flora. When the intestinal tract in the body is restored to balance, it can help alleviate various gastrointestinal problems and maintain the health of the stomach.

4, Keep your mood relaxed and happy
Long-term stress, fear, sadness and depression can cause dysfunction of the cerebral cortex, leading to the triggering of gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, even if you are stressed, you should pay attention to your emotional discharge. Listening to songs, watching comedy or exercising and sweating are good ways to relieve yourself.

To treat gastrointestinal disorders, it is also important to follow medical advice and take medication in a timely manner. Take care of your gastrointestinal health at regular intervals.