

Living cell anti-aging therapy is quietly emerging

The pursuit of eternal beauty is the dream of every woman. For thousands of years, many people have made unremitting efforts to achieve the goal of beauty, so many stories about beauty have emerged.

The pursuit of eternal beauty is the dream of every woman. For thousands of years, many people have made unremitting efforts to achieve the goal of beauty, so many stories about beauty have emerged.

"What do you think of your skin after 30?"

Hearing this, many people immediately felt full of words to say: before the age of 30, the skin was really good, even if it was staying up all night and working all night, after that, as long as you rest and adjust, the skin will recover as before. After the age of 30, especially in the past two years, I felt that my skin became thinner and more sensitive, the wrinkles around my eyes gradually deepened, and the symptoms such as dry skin, yellow hair, and menstrual disorders also came. It's really getting worse!

"Do you think that after your 30th birthday, your youth and health are mercilessly stolen overnight? Do you know who stole your beauty?"

Stress steals your beauty

It is often said that women in love are particularly beautiful. According to medical science research, this view has some truth. This is because women in love often have happy expressions on their faces and whole body, and their skin becomes beautiful. Another example is that people who are unhappy and upset will have wrinkles on their eyebrows, those who are sad will have wrinkles on their lips, and those who are optimistic will have wrinkles on their eyes.

When a person is psychologically stressed, the secretion of paraadrenocortical hormone will be curbed. If it is not alleviated for a long time, the skin will lose its resistance, prone to freckles and whelks, and in serious cases, there will be black spots on the face.

In addition, it can also cause skin allergy, and cause sweat spots and rough skin, making the skin aging and wrinkling early.

Poor sleep steals your beauty

If the long-term sleep shortage or low quality is reflected in the face, it can be seen that the skin loses luster, becomes dry and withered, and the skin is loose and inelastic, which is called "aging". This "aging" increases with age. This shows that sleep is closely related to beauty.

Improper diet steals your beauty

Nowadays, many women pursue the beauty of bone feeling. They go on a diet to lose weight. They only eat one or two meals a day and eat a little food each time. With less food, they naturally lose some weight, but they also damage their skin, resulting in looseness and wrinkles.

Others pursue vegetarianism in pursuit of so-called health. The amount of food is right, but the diet structure is not right. It excludes all fatty foods, such as meat. Insufficient nutrition will also make the skin dull, rough and aging.

Some people only care about the happiness of their mouth, and sometimes let themselves have a big meal. Too rich diet increases the burden of digestive organs, leading to dull skin color, acne, and fat accumulation in the body, resulting in obesity.

Bad gut steals your beauty

The saying "good stomach, good health" is very scientific. Modern people shoulder too much pressure from work and life. In addition, their life is not regular and their diet is abnormal. They often inadvertently "get in close contact" with constipation.

Long term constipation will produce a large number of toxins that seriously damage the skin. These toxins circulate in the body with the blood, which can lead to dry and rough skin, dullness, and even small pimples, acne, skin scraps, etc., bringing endless distress to people, especially female friends.

Ignoring ovarian care steals your beauty

Modern medical research shows that the exuberance and weakness of the ovarian function, the fullness and atrophy of the ovary are directly related to women's beauty, health and aging diseases.

For women aged 35 to 45 years old, due to the atrophy of the ovary, the decline of the ovarian function, and the insufficient level of estrogen and progesterone secretion, there will be: colorless complexion, hair loss, sharp increase in wrinkles, and rough skin.

Lack of exercise steals your beauty

Exercise is the best way to promote human metabolism and eliminate waste. For women who have been sitting in the office for a long time and lack of exercise, the daily little exercise just encourages the accumulation of toxins, which will eventually be reflected on the skin, resulting in black, yellow, gray, rough, etc.

Environmental pollution steals your beauty

For example, the radiation generated by the daily use of computers and mobile phones, and the pollution of exhaust gas in the air will disrupt the normal work of the natural enzyme detoxification system in the human body, causing metabolic disorder or accelerated death and shedding of skin epidermal cells, leading to dehydration, dryness, and rapid aging. Once most of the dust touches the skin protective layer containing water and oil, it will lead to excessive dryness and wrinkles.

Ultraviolet rays are the "killer" of skin aging. Ultraviolet B (UVB) can cause redness and inflammation of the skin, which is the main cause of sunburn. Long wave ultraviolet (UVA) can penetrate into the dermis of the skin, destroy collagen elastic fiber cells, stimulate pigment synthesis and "darken" the skin, which is the cause of skin aging and wrinkles. Generally, fair skin is more vulnerable to sunburn than dark skin.

Misuse drugs to steal your beauty

The latest research results point out that sulfonamides, aspirin antipyretic analgesics, hibernating spirit and other sleeping drugs are easy to cause skin rash and pigmentation after taking them. Sedatives can make the skin yellow or have an ugly tan.

Misuse of cosmetics steals your beauty

If cosmetics are not used properly, allergic reactions may occur on the face, such as redness, swelling, tingling and inflammation. If cosmetics containing hormones are used, the effect is very good at first, and excessive dependence will produce rough black hard skin. Another example is that some people do not pay attention to cleaning the skin after using low-quality cosmetics, and the pores are blocked to affect metabolism, resulting in dermatitis and rash. Others use cosmetics to aggravate the original stain or generate new stain, etc.

Improper beauty steals your beauty

Many women also pay great attention to skin care, or go to beauty salons to do their own care or facial mask. There are also some misunderstandings. For example, if the massage technique is not in place and the massage time exceeds 10 to 15 minutes, it will not only be beneficial to the skin, but will make the skin and muscle fatigue, leading to muscle droop and wrinkles. If it is sensitive skin, excessive massage will increase the skin surface temperature, accelerate the circulation, and aggravate the sensitivity; For newly cleaned acne skin, it is particularly important to "save" massage time, otherwise it may lead to the spread of skin inflammation.

Unexpectedly, there are so many murderers who steal beautiful skin. No wonder we often have to lament the perishability of beauty. So, what else can we do to help us realize our beautiful dreams?


Living cell anti-aging is more and more popular

Careful treatment experts pointed out that relevant research believed that the process of aging started from about 20 years old. Once the aging mechanism started, it would continue at a rate of 0.8% every year until the end of life. However, we need not lament this. Scientists have confirmed that the average age of complete aging of human organs and tissues is 125. Although human aging is irresistible, the development of modern medicine and technology is helping women get closer to beauty. The exploration of beauty by science and technology has never stopped. More and more advanced theories and leading technologies have been applied to the research and development of beauty and skin care products. Traditional chemical and pharmaceutical theories are no longer the mainstream guiding ideology of product research and development. Based on modern anti-aging theories, interdisciplinary theories with life science as the core, gene science and cell biology are becoming the new guiding ideology of product research and development. This theory does not advocate the direct action of chemicals on the skin surface, but simply solves the surface phenomenon problems; Instead, it seeks to repair and regenerate at the cellular level, resist aging, and focus on the cause to "suit the remedy to the case"; It emphasizes not only the supplement of external forces, but also the mobilization of internal causes, and the integrity and harmony of body, mind and spirit, so that women can fully display their beauty at every stage of life. The living cell therapy of "harmless beauty" is precisely the research and development achievement under the guidance of this theory, and it is sought after by tens of thousands of women in Switzerland and Southeast Asia.

It is reported that the living cell anti-aging therapy was originally a special therapy to prolong life when ordinary medical methods were helpless. Now it is mainly used to eliminate fatigue and delay aging. The development of living cell anti-aging therapy can be traced back to ancient times. Its principle is to use the living cells of unborn or very young animals to stimulate damaged or dead cells in the human body, so as to enhance their activity or regenerate them. The principle of living cell anti-aging therapy can be understood as follows: animal liver cells can stimulate and strengthen human liver cells, and its heart cells can also stimulate and strengthen human heart.

Nowadays, living cell injection therapy has become a world leading high-tech health care method, which is mainly spread among stars, senior managers and economically superior high-end consumer groups. By injecting the fresh cells from the sheep placenta into the human body, people with physical overdraft can return to the metabolism speed and physiological stage of youth, showing their spiritual vitality in their twenties and thirties. We are convinced that this cell therapy will help us realize our dream of prolonging beauty!