

Herbal Remedies For Insomnia

The fast-paced life nowadays has caused many people to suffer from insomnia, and those who suffer from insomnia can try to improve it by choosing to eat some herbal dietary remedies

The fast-paced life nowadays has led to many people being troubled by insomnia, and friends who are troubled by insomnia can try to improve it by choosing to consume some medicinal diets. Today, we would like to introduce a few herbal recipes for insomnia.

Insomnia remedies
1,Cinnamon tea
Ingredients: bitter cloves, cinnamon and nightshade.
Directions: Mix the three ingredients together and then grind them into powder, take an appropriate amount into a tea bag and brew it as tea.

Effects: Clears heat and calms the mind.

2,Liquorice and red dates soup
Ingredients: licorice, red dates, wheat.
How to do it: Wash the three ingredients, remove the nuclei from the red dates, put them into a pot together, pour in two bowls of water, decoct the two bowls of water until half of them are left, then turn off the heat, strain off the dregs and drink.

Effects: Nourishes the heart and calms the mind, strengthens the spleen and stomach.

3,Lily and lotus seed porridge

Ingredients: 30g each of dried lilies, lotus seeds (with cores, soaked in water) and rock sugar, 100g of rice.

Directions: Simmer the dried lily, round-grained rice and lotus seeds together in a pot and add rock sugar when almost cooked.
Efficacy: This porridge clears heat and nourishes yin, moistens the lungs and calms the mind, and is suitable for those who suffer from insomnia and dreaminess with strong heart fire and anxiety.
4,Sour date nut porridge
Ingredients: 15 grams of ground sour date seeds, 100 grams of round-grained rice.

Practice: boil the round-grained rice first, and then cook for 5 minutes under the sour date seeds.
Effect: It has the effect of nourishing the heart and calming the mind, calming the heart and stopping sweating, suitable for insomnia, dreaming, palpitations, heart trouble, body weakness and sweating.

5,Ganmai jujube root soup
Ingredients: 250 grams of lotus root, 75 grams of wheat, 12 grams of licorice, 5 red dates, 3 grams of salt.
Practice: wash the wheat, soak for 1 hour; soak the red dates, remove the core. Boil the wheat, liquorice and red dates in water, then add the lotus root and cook over low heat to soften, finally add salt to taste.

Efficacy: This soup has the effect of benefiting qi and nourishing blood, calming the mind and tranquilizing the spirit, especially suitable for insomniacs with poor qi.

6,Date and spring onion drink
Ingredients: red dates, white onion.
The two are put together in a pot with an appropriate amount of water to decoct the soup and take it warm at night before going to bed.

Efficacy: tranquilize the mind and replenish blood.

7,Congee of jujube and Fu Shen
Ingredients: Jujube, Fu Shen, corn.
How to do it: first decoction of Fu Shen and strain the dregs, with the juice and dates and corn together into a porridge can be eaten.
Efficacy: strengthen the spleen and nourish the heart, tranquilize the mind.