

Spring Constipation With Herbal Remedies, Easy And Convenient To Improve Symptoms

For those who suffer from constipation, you can generally improve your symptoms through diet. Do not eat too fine a diet, but eat more coarse fibre foods such as celery, leeks, bamboo shoots, spinach, cauliflower, kelp, wild rice, cabbage, raw pears, bananas, corn and cereals. The meat and vegetables should be well-matched.

For people with symptoms of constipation, the symptoms can usually be improved by diet. Do not eat a diet that is too fine. You should eat more coarse fibre foods such as celery, leeks, bamboo shoots, spinach, cauliflower, kelp, wild rice, cabbage, raw pears, bananas, corn and cereals. It is important to have a good mix of meat and vegetables.

The dry weather in spring, coupled with the relatively small variety of vegetables and fruits that can relieve constipation, if you are not very careful to increase the intake of water and other substances that promote defecation, it is easy to cause the daily number of bowel movements to decrease, toxins are absorbed by the body, so those suffering from constipation or poor defecation symptoms must pay great attention. Frequent constipation can also cause dizziness, sleep disturbance, mental discomfort, loss of appetite, sore throat and mouth ulcers.

For those who suffer from constipation, the symptoms can usually be improved through diet. Do not eat too fine a diet. You should eat more coarse fibre foods such as celery, leeks, bamboo shoots, spinach, cauliflower, kelp, wild rice, cabbage, raw pears, bananas, corn and cereals. It is important to have a good mix of meat and vegetables. Those who eat too little should eat more food, more green leafy vegetables, beans and bean products, sweet potatoes and rice kernels, etc. Usually eat less spicy and fried food. Drink plenty of boiled water to stay hydrated and soften the stools.

Recipe 1: Potato juice
Ingredients: 250g potatoes, 25g honey
Method: Wash and chop the potatoes, or use a grinder to extract the juice directly, mix with honey and take in divided doses (every morning on an empty stomach and before and after lunch).
Effects: For all types of bowel problems.

Recipe 2: Cassia Seeds Cistanche Tea
Ingredients: 10 grams of fried cassia seeds, 10 grams of cistanches, appropriate amount of honey.
Preparation: Boil cassia seeds and cistanches in water for 15 minutes, strain out the juice, add honey and mix well, drink as tea.
Effects: Can be used for habitual constipation and age-related constipation.

Recipe 3: Sea Cucumber, Pig Intestine and Wood Ear Soup
Ingredients: 100g of sea cucumber, 50g of wood ear and 250g of pig intestine.
Method: Wash and slice the sea cucumber, wash the fungus to remove the sand, wash the pig intestine, blanch it with boiling water, cut it into pieces, add water to the pot, cook it with low fire until it is cooked, add seasoning and eat it frequently.
Effects: Can be used for constipation caused by Yin deficiency and intestinal dryness.

Recipe 4: Walnuts and sesame paste
Ingredients: 50g each of walnuts and sesame seeds, 50g of mulberry leaves and the right amount of honey.
Method: Take the juice of mulberry leaves and set aside, crush walnuts and sesame seeds, when taking, use the juice of mulberry leaves to make a paste and add the right amount of honey.
Effects: It can be used for insomnia due to kidney deficiency and dry stools.

Recipe 5: Spinach in sesame oil
Ingredients: 250g spinach, sesame oil
The spinach is then boiled in a pot of water and seasoned with salt, then the spinach is scalded for about 2 minutes and chopped, then sesame oil and monosodium glutamate are added and mixed.
Effects: Can be used for constipation, headache, redness and dizziness in patients with high blood pressure.

Recipe 6: Sliced pork with fern and fungus
Ingredients: 10 grams of fungus, 25 grams of fern, 100 grams of lean pork and the right amount of seasoning.
Method: Soak fern in water and cut into sections; soak fungus in water, rinse, slice pork, mix with wet starch, add oil and wine, stir-fry, add fern, fungus and seasoning, stir-fry evenly. Serve once daily with interruptions.
Effects: It can be used for deficiency of fluid and blood, constipation and constipation of intestines.

Recipe 7: Mulberry and wolfberry tea
Ingredients: mulberry 10 grams, Chinese wolfberry 10 grams, appropriate amount of rock sugar.
Method: mulberry, wolfberry, sugar into the tea cup, with boiling water directly into the tea drink.
Effects: Can be used for constipation caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency.