

What Do Women Take To Nourish Their Blood When They Are Anemic?

Anemia is a very common problem among women. Anemia makes people less resistant and depressed, and serious anemia can also endanger the health of the body, so when the situation of anemia occurs, it should be promptly adjusted. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and popular items.

Anemia is a very common problem among women. Anemia makes a person's resistance decline, mental depression, and serious anemia can also endanger health, so when anemia occurs, it should be promptly regulated. So, what can a woman eat to replenish and nourish her blood?

What can a woman eat to nourish her blood?
1, Black sesame
Black sesame is a very good food to replenish blood, there is a simple secret, black and food black and red food to replenish blood is better, black food can replenish the kidney and spleen, the same can also replenish blood. This way we can use these two colours of food to achieve the effect of blood, then red dates are red food, according to us this secret can be understood, red dates have a good blood tonic effect, for qi and blood is not good conditioning effect.

2, Black beans
Some people think that eating beans is beneficial, most books will introduce black beans can make people's hair black, in fact, black beans can also produce blood, especially for women who are extremely prone to anemia more beneficial. This is due to the fact that soya food is rich in iron, which promotes the production of red blood cells and thus has a blood-producing effect. There are many ways to consume soybeans, such as soy milk, stewed pig's feet, porridge, etc. These methods of consumption do not affect the blood-boosting effects of soy foods.

3, Pumpkin
The nutritional value of pumpkin is mainly shown in its richness in vitamins, but also contains a certain amount of iron and phosphorus. These substances have an important role in maintaining the physiological functions of the body. Recently, it was discovered that pumpkin also has a "cobalt" component, which has a blood tonic effect after consumption.

4,Pork liver
Pig's liver is the best choice to replenish blood and Qi. Pig's liver contains a large amount of vitamin B, which can also play a brightening effect while replenishing blood and Qi. Its pig liver soup is a good choice for you.


Longan, sweet in taste and warm in nature, belongs to the heart and spleen meridians. Effects: Tonifying the heart and spleen, nourishing the blood and calming the mind. It is suitable for spleen deficiency evidence with palpitations, insomnia and forgetfulness. It is contraindicated in cases of dampness, heat, gas stagnation, stomach and abdominal distention, and scanty food and stools. Longan meat is rich in iron and also contains vitamins A and B. It is a blood tonic and can also treat forgetfulness, palpitations and insomnia. Longan soup, longan wine and the like are also good foods to nourish the blood.

6,Wu chicken
It has a strong nourishing effect and is suitable for women. It is used in stews and steamed to nourish the blood and treat symptoms such as irregular menstruation.

Women who are lacking in qi and blood can eat more kelp. Kelp contains iodine, iron, calcium and other various elements needed by the human body, very rich in nutrition. The most important thing is that kelp is rich in iron. When the blood is deficient in iron there will be less heat and lower body temperature. Therefore, you can eat more seaweed soup in autumn and winter, which can effectively help to keep you warm.