

Women's Beauty Learn The "Three Keys"

To prevent dry skin, roughness and constipation, you should also pay attention to diet and nutrition. Vitamin A has the role of promoting epithelial growth and protecting the skin, so eat more carrots and green leafy vegetables and beans containing vitamin A in autumn.

To prevent dry skin, roughness and constipation, you should also pay attention to diet and nutrition. Vitamin A has the role of promoting epithelial growth and protecting the skin, so eat more carrots and green leafy vegetables and beans containing vitamin A in autumn.

Liu Li is the head of the planning department of a large company and is a typical "white-collar woman". But the "beauty" also has unspeakable "suffering", that is, after entering autumn, she not only often constipation, panic, chest tightness, heartburn, fatigue, loss of appetite, and the original tender skin also gradually become dry, rough. In previous years, she just bought a lot of cosmetics and tonic or nutritional medicine and rubbed and ate them to moisturise and nourish her skin, but the results were often not very satisfactory. As you can imagine, autumn, is not a "worry, worry" season? In fact, what Miss Liu needs is not "tonic", but "through".

Many women who love beauty begin to pay attention to tonic in autumn and ignore the circulation of the body. However, what many people need is not "tonic", but "through", as long as the body is smooth, the usual nutrition in food can basically meet the needs of the body; such as blindly tonic without science, often counterproductive, damaging health. As we know, the various pipes in the human body, including the digestive tract and excretory pipes, are connected at the beginning and end and are about 100,000 kilometres long. After decades of work, these pipes are likely to become poorly functioning, leading to ageing and hardening, which in turn can lead to disease. Poorly functioning ducts, known medically as "circulation disorders", can lead to conditions such as hyperlipidaemia, metabolic disorders, constipation and chest congestion.

1,Blood circulation
What is "circulation"? The beauty of the skin depends to a large extent on the smooth flow of Qi and Blood in the body. People with Qi stagnation and blood stasis often have rough skin, purpura, dark spots and a dull complexion.

So how do we do this? Under the guidance of a doctor, Chinese herbs such as Chuanxiong, Bai Zhi, Radix Paeoniae, Dan Shen, Radix Angelicae Sinensis and Fang Feng are used orally. Chuanxiong, for example, has the effect of invigorating blood circulation, dispelling wind and relieving pain. Danshen, on the other hand, has the effect of regulating menstruation and invigorating blood, dispelling blood stasis and creating new blood vessels, and clearing the heart and eliminating irritation. Radix Paeoniae Alba, also known as Red Peony, is effective in invigorating the blood to regulate menstruation, dispelling stasis and relieving pain, clearing the liver and brightening the eyes, and dispersing carbuncles and swellings. Angelica dahurica, pungent, warm in nature and aromatic in smell, is effective in dispersing wind and dampness, eliminating swelling and draining pus, and relieving pain.

2,To clear the hairy orifices
The term "er tong" also means "to pass through the hairy orifices", i.e. "to pass through the skin" or "to vent the sweat holes of the skin". So, how do you do this? We know that senile cells on the surface of the skin are an obstacle to the healthy growth of new cells, blocking sebaceous glands and sweat pores, making the skin rough or blotchy or dark, with an uneven appearance. If they are removed using the peeling method, the hairs are unblocked and the skin is naturally rejuvenated. In ancient Egypt, a paste of cooked gypsum, honey and oatmeal was applied to the face and removed when the paste dried, removing a large number of dead skin cells and making the skin white and moist. Gypsum, as we know, is an ore containing calcium sulphate in water, which is sweet and pungent in taste and cold in nature. Used raw, it is effective in clearing fire, quenching thirst, reducing fever and relieving irritation; used calcined, it is astringent, dispelling dampness and relieving itching. It can be taken internally or calcined and scattered dry or mixed with compresses. Oatmeal, has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach, and slipping the intestines to induce labour. Oatmeal rice cooked for food is very effective for those who are weak after illness, have loss of appetite or have poor bowel movement. Many people and even some patients are now eating oatmeal porridge for breakfast every day. Honey, sweet and flat in nature. Modern society, the competition is fierce, especially white-collar ladies, eat more honey, have a spleen and stomach, strong heart and tranquilizing effect. As the elderly age, the aging of various body tissues and organs, coupled with the "dryness" of the autumn climate, symptoms such as dizziness, blurry eyes, tinnitus, dry mouth, dry tongue, panic, chest tightness, insomnia, loss of appetite and constipation will ensue. If we can often take the right amount of fresh cucumber, wash and press the juice, a glass of juice with a small tablespoon of honey to mix, 2 to 3 times a day, can laxative, kidney diuretic. It is good for the middle-aged and elderly to prevent hair loss and hyperthyroidism. Alternatively, take 50g of sesame seeds, 200g of japonica rice and 50g of honey. Wash the soaked japonica rice first, put it into a pot of water and simmer it slowly. After the rice has "blossomed", grind the sesame seeds into fine powder and mix it with honey into the rice porridge at the same time, and cook it for a while. This recipe can nourish the liver and kidneys, moisten the dryness and smooth the intestines, strengthen the body and prolong life, and can treat deficiency of the five organs, hair loss, dizziness of the head and eyes, dry skin and dry stools. Of course, frequent bathing, diligent laundering and not wearing chemical fibre clothes close to the body also belong to the category of Tongmu.

3, To open the bowels
This is what we call the "three passages". How can we achieve this? We know that people who have difficulty in relieving dry stools often have dry, rough skin and premature ageing, etc. If rhubarb or rhubarb powder is used to "open" the bowels, it will not only prolong their life but also help prevent dry, rough skin and premature ageing. Rhubarb, bitter and cold in nature, goes deep into the blood, and also goes into the air, and is indestructible and unbreakable. It enters the stomach, large intestine and liver meridians, and has many effects such as attacking stagnation, removing heat and toxins, expelling blood stasis and clearing the meridians. For this reason, it has the reputation of "attacking the lower part of the body". It is said that rhubarb can treat constipation with real heat, delirium, dysentery at the beginning, dysentery with urgency, vomiting blood, epistaxis, blood in the stool, leakage, yang huang (damp-heat jaundice), warm malaria, carbuncle and swelling, furuncle, ulcers of the mouth and lips, ulcers of the lower limbs, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine says: "The six internal organs are tonified by the passage of Qi". Because the main component of rhubarb contains rhubarb laxative and rhubarb ellagic acid two substances, has stimulated the intestinal wall and excite the large intestine and improve the effect of intestinal contraction, thus increasing the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, promote hydrogenated metabolites with defecation and discharge, to achieve the "detoxification", "detoxification" effect. The effect of the herb is to "detoxify" and "detoxify". The slow diarrhoea effect of cooked rhubarb, for example, can eliminate the corrupt and filthy matter in the intestine, reduce the absorption of toxins, promote blood circulation, enhance metabolism, and have a stomach-healthy effect, so that people's abdominal distension and stuffiness symptoms can be lifted. If the abdominal distension, abdominal pain and constipation are caused by post-operative intestinal paralysis, use 100g of rhubarb, add 1000ml of water, soak and decoct for 10 minutes, filter and take the above clear wave for rhubarb soup, store in a drip bottle. For post-operative intestinal paralysis patients, take a left-sided position, bend both knees and expose the buttocks at the bedside, connect the upper end of a sterile catheter of No. 4~16 with the output tube of the drip bottle, and insert the lower end into the anus to the sigmoid colon (about 20~30 cm for adults) after applying lubricant, control the drip rate of 60~80 drops per minute, and the height of the drip bottle should be 60~70 cm. The dosage of rhubarb soup is 250 ml for adults and less for children. It only takes 1 dose to expel the bowels. Of course, remove the skin of 2 bananas, add the right amount of rock sugar, put it in a bowl and steam it under water, take it 2 times a day; or use maltose, honey in the right amount, 1~2 apples, put them together and boil them, eat them 1~2 times a day. It is also effective in preventing and treating constipation. However, it is important to note that the herbs used in the "three passages" for women must be taken under the guidance of an herbalist.

In short, to prevent dry skin, roughness and constipation, attention should also be paid to diet and nutrition. Vitamin A has a role in promoting epithelial growth and protecting the skin, so in autumn you should eat more carrots, green leafy vegetables and beans containing vitamin A. Eat more fatty and sugary foods, which can increase the secretion of sebaceous glands. At the same time, smoking and alcohol should be banned, and spicy foods and coffee and tea should be eaten sparingly, and sweet, fatty and fried foods should not be eaten excessively. At the same time, it is also necessary to eliminate the tension and stimulation caused by psychological and social factors, to relieve psychological conflicts and contradictions, to maintain a good mood and a quiet state of mind, which also has a positive effect on the prevention of dry skin, roughness and constipation, and is also a way to prevent "circulation disorders".