

How To Get Rid Of Dampness Most Effectively

The production of dampness is closely related to poor living and eating habits, so to get rid of dampness at the root, you must develop good eating and living habits. So, how to get rid of dampness most effectively?

The production of dampness is closely related to poor living and eating habits, so to get rid of dampness at the root, you must develop good eating and living habits. So, how to get rid of dampness most effectively?

How to get rid of dampness most effectively
I,Food therapy to get rid of dampness
Food therapy can effectively remove dampness, the daily diet can eat some dampness, detoxification, swelling and diuretic food, play a good role in removing dampness, but only useful to eat for a long time, common dampness food barley red bean soup, winter melon pork ribs soup, spleen and dampness soup and corn beard soup and so on.

1, Eat more chili
Chili is a stimulating condiment, eat more can warm the body can also drive away the cold, Sichuan and other places because it is the basin, heavy dampness, people there love to eat chili also with the actual geographical climate, if in these humid climate living for a long time, dampness is easy to accumulate body, you can eat more chili sweat, remove dampness.

2, Corn husk boiled water
The corn beard and corn leaves together with boiled water to drink, there are dampness diuretic effect, with this water to remove dampness there is a note, is not to eat before going to bed, because eating before going to bed not only will not eliminate dampness, but will make dampness aggravated, it is best to drink in the morning to noon before this time, the effect is better.

3, Chen Pi ginger slices to drink water
Chen Pi and ginger together with boiling water to drink, so as to play the efficacy of Chen Pi expectorant dampness, while ginger is also the role of dispersing dampness, the two put together to drink water, very conducive to the elimination of dampness in the body.

Two, sweat to dispel dampness
Sweating can also remove the dampness in the body, because the process of sweating, the whole body skin pores open, with the high temperature, the body will be in the form of sweat to dissipate heat, these discharged sweat has a large amount of moisture. Therefore, sweating can play a very good role in removing dampness.

Soaking feet to dispel dampness

If you want to get rid of dampness better, you can use pepper water, rice wine water, mugwort water and ginger water to soak your feet, and you can also use vinegar to soak your feet in water, or boil winter skin to soak your feet, which can also remove dampness from your body.

Four, moxibustion to remove dampness
The mugwort has the effect of dispelling cold and dampness, using moxibustion to smoke the Guan Yuan point can help remove dampness in the body, usually you can also use mugwort leaves with water to boil every week, fish out the mugwort leaves, the boiling water to dry to the appropriate temperature to soak feet, but mugwort water soaking feet can not be soaked every day, it is best to keep two or three times a week can be.