

What To Eat To Cleanse And Moisten The Lungs

The lungs are a major organ of human respiration, and problems with them can directly affect the respiratory system and thus the health of a person's life. It is therefore very important to take care of your lungs. Instead of blindly buying those expensive health products, it is better to take some simple foods to cleanse and moisten your lungs.

The lungs are a major organ of human respiration and problems with them can directly affect the respiratory system and thus the health of a person. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the lungs. Instead of blindly buying those expensive health products, it is better to take some simple food to cleanse and moisten the lungs. So, what is the best way to cleanse and moisten the lungs?

What is good to eat to cleanse and moisten the lungs
The most recommended seasonal food for babies is pumpkin, which is rich in vitamin A and vitamin E. Pumpkin is rich in carotene, absorbed by the body can be converted into vitamin A, pumpkin also contains a large amount of vitamin E, can promote the normal secretion of pituitary hormones, so that the baby growth and development to maintain a healthy state.

Lily contains starch, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins and other nutrients, not only has a good nutritional tonic effect, but also has a lung, cough, refreshing and calming effect, but also can improve the quality of your baby's sleep, so that your baby sleep more sweetly.

3,Lotus root
Lotus root can clear heat and moisten the lungs, cool the blood and move blood stasis. The lotus root is delicious and can be eaten raw or cooked, raw juice can cool and moisten dryness, cooked can nourish the stomach and replenish the spleen. In addition to the root and seeds of the lotus root, the puffs of the lotus root, which are part of Chinese herbal medicine, can also be used in soups, which also have the effect of cooling the blood.

4, Bean sprouts
Bean sprouts are a very common and inexpensive household dish with a long history and high nutritional value, containing protein, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals, as well as rich vitamin C, which can be used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Lettuce has the effect of opening and clearing, eliminating the accumulation of Qi and helping to promote digestion; the slightly bitter taste of lettuce in the stems and leaves has the effect of analgesic and hypnotic, lowering cholesterol, assisting in the treatment of neurasthenia, clearing dryness and moistening the lungs, resolving phlegm and relieving cough.

Pear has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, moistening the lung and producing fluid, relieving cough and phlegm, etc. Eating raw, juicing or stewing, it has a better therapeutic effect on children with lung-heat cough and measles. With water chestnuts, honey, sugar cane and other juices together, the effect is better.

7, Luohan fruit
Luohan fruit is known as the "fruit of the gods", with heat detoxification, phlegm and cough, nourish the voice and lungs, to remove bad breath, and excessive smoking and alcohol caused by hoarseness, dry throat and thirst, and other effects are particularly good. It can also lower blood sugar levels and improve diabetes. It can protect the voice and also treat hoarseness, unpleasant cough and sore throat caused by wind-heat attacking the lungs. It can be used for dry cough of lung fire, sore throat and loss of voice, dry bowel and constipation and other symptoms.

8, Spinach

Spinach is a vegetable of great nutritional value. Spinach with pointed leaves has long petioles, thin leaves, thick roots and contains a lot of sugar; spinach with round leaves has large, thick slices. Spinach has a much higher carotenoid content than other vegetables, a higher vitamin C content than peppers but higher than tomatoes and contains the highest amount of vitamin K, which has an anti-haemorrhagic effect, of any leafy vegetable. The richness of riboflavin in spinach has the effect of preventing mouth ulcers, lip infections, and dry eyes.

9, Kelp
As a nutrient-rich ingredient, kelp is very good for health. The gelatin in kelp can drain the impurities from the lungs, avoiding the harm of these dusts to the lungs and playing the purpose of moistening and protecting the lungs. When eating a bowl of seaweed soup, taste delicious, nutritious, but also to cleanse the lungs and moisten the lungs, why not.

Celery is a common household dish on the dining table. Celery is very nutritious, containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, and also has a high medicinal value. It is cool, sweet and non-toxic, and has the ability to dissipate heat, dispel wind and dampness, strengthen the stomach and blood, cleanse the bowels, moisten the lungs and relieve cough.