

How To Manage Dampness And Heat In The Spleen And Stomach

Damp-heat in the spleen and stomach is a common TCM condition, which simply means that the spleen and stomach are already bad, but are affected by external invasion or diet, resulting in poor digestion and damp-heat in the spleen and stomach.

Damp-heat in the spleen and stomach is a common TCM condition. It simply means that the spleen and stomach, which are already bad, are affected by external invasion or diet and other factors, resulting in poor digestion and the production of damp-heat in the spleen and stomach area. So how do you regulate damp-heat in the spleen and stomach?

How to manage damp-heat in the spleen and stomach
Damp heat in the spleen and stomach is often associated with stressful work and irregular diet, so the first step in regulating damp heat in the spleen and stomach is to fundamentally improve the diet and lifestyle habits.

1,For people with dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach, attention should be paid to nutritional balance and the matching of meat and vegetables. Pay attention to your diet and do not eat too much in general. Avoid foods high in sugar and fat, such as duck meat, pork, turtle meat and oyster meat, which are prone to biochemical damp-heat and impede the transport and transformation functions of the spleen and stomach.

2, Exercise more, reduce sedentary, such as walking, doing exercises, five-animal play, eight-danjin, taijiquan, etc., to promote the peristalsis of the intestines.

3, Keep your living environment dry and avoid excessive humidity, and pay attention to keeping warm in summer.

4,Keep a good state of mind, as depression or bad temper can affect digestion and absorption and aggravate the condition of damp-heat in the spleen and stomach.

Dietary remedies for damp-heat in the spleen and stomach


1, Stewed pork tendon with fresh mulberry leaves
Fresh mulberry leaves are useful for dispelling dampness, dispersing wind-heat and clearing heat and phlegm. Putting fresh mulberry leaves together with pork tendon meat, honey dates and ginger in a stewing pot and stewing them to cook and eat them can help remove dampness and heat from the body and help regulate the spleen and stomach.

2,Golden Needle and Winter Melon Soup
Take an appropriate amount of dried golden needles and cut them into two pieces, soak them in boiling water for about twenty minutes, wash and peel the winter melon and cut it into shreds, put the soup in a pot and boil it, then put the soaked golden needles and the shredded winter melon into the pot together and cook for a while, then add some seasoning to taste. Winter melon has the effect of clearing heat and dispelling dampness, people with dampness and heat in their bodies can eat more winter melon.

3,Stir-fried bitter gourd
Cut fresh bitter melon into shreds, blanch it with boiling water to remove the bitterness, stir-fry it in a wok until it is ninety years old, then thicken it with the sauce and eat it. Most bitter foods have a clearing and detoxifying effect, especially bitter gourd, which is a great daily ingredient for people with dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach for dietary regimen.

4,Barley and red bean soup
The most common ingredients to get rid of dampness are barley and red beans, stewing barley and red beans together for consumption can help the body to discharge the dampness in the body, but also to relieve the dampness and heat in the stomach and intestines, but this soup should not be eaten for a long time, adhere to a week or two after it can be.

5,Lotus seeds in soup
If you are not afraid of bitterness, you can use lotus seeds in soup without the lotus heart.